In the meantime, check out some of my most recent posts below.
Most Recent Posts
The Power of a Bold, Deliberate Decision
Success in ANY area of your life starts with making a powerful, deliberate decision to go after the goal you want and not back down until you’ve reached it!
I’m Too Busy!
I'm too busy! I got so much to do. I'm overwhelmed. I can't do everything! Ok, stop right there my friend. As a coach and a mentor, I’ve heard these phrases so many times. "Scotty I'm too busy, I can't get it all done! What do I do? How do I make choices?" If you're...
I Have A Dirty Mind
I had a very, very dirty mind. That's right. And if you’re reading this, you’ve probably got a dirty mind as well. Let me back up a little and explain what I mean by this! I've had the unique privilege of working with and learning from some of the world's greatest...
Post Categories
How Do I Know If I Need Coaching?
The Ultimate Coach Scott Harris busts 2 common myths and misconceptions around Coaching AND reveals the TRUTH around who Coaching is REALLY for…
How To Get Better At Almost Anything You Want In Life
If you want to get better at something, we all know that practice and more practice makes perfect… right? BUT what if there was a quicker, easier, better way?
A New Beginning
No matter your background or beliefs around Easter, universally we should agree that this time of the year is about new life, new beginnings and a fresh start.
Is This The Last Time?
Often in life, we get caught up in the ‘Firsts’. Do you remember the first time your children walked or the first time you met your intimate partner? It’s easy to take notice of the ‘Firsts’, but too often, the ‘Last Time Evers’ slip by unnoticed.
A lot of the time, we don’t even notice it was the ‘Last Time Ever’ until it’s already happened!
When you decide to notice the ‘Last Time Evers’, it might change the way you treat people, the way you act or how you feel. As a result of this philosophy…
Disconnect To Reconnect
7 TIPS to combat society’s daily use and dependence on technology, to help you RECONNECT with your loved ones and the things that truly matter in life
Is This The Last Time?
Often in life, we get caught up in the ‘Firsts’. Do you remember the first time your children walked or the first time you met your intimate partner? It’s easy to take notice of the ‘Firsts’, but too often, the ‘Last Time Evers’ slip by unnoticed.
A lot of the time, we don’t even notice it was the ‘Last Time Ever’ until it’s already happened!
When you decide to notice the ‘Last Time Evers’, it might change the way you treat people, the way you act or how you feel. As a result of this philosophy…
Be The Positive Change
How to make positive, deliberate, small actions to connect with others to collectively support & nurture a culture of better communication and acceptance.
What Goes In Your Treasure Chest
Having built a large wealth portfolio and worked with some of the wealthiest people on the planet, I’d like to share my experiences and insights with you.
2 Questions Where You’re Going To Make ALL Of Your Money
Scott Harris’ Top 5 Keys to focus on to monetise your expertise right now while stepping into the marketplace and becoming a great Coach, Speaker, Mentor, Guru.
5 Keys That Make A Great Speaker, Coach Or Teacher
Scott Harris’ Top 5 Keys to focus on to monetise your expertise right now while stepping into the marketplace and becoming a great Coach, Speaker, Mentor, Guru.
10 Crucial Skills That Make A Great Coach
Across my 2 decades of coaching I’ve developed 10 qualities that make a Great Coach… these can be broken into 2 skill categories – some of which you may already possess…
Scott Harris is a leading Australian coach, mentor and speaker, with 20 years of experience working with individuals, businesses and audiences around the world and supporting them in creating phenomenal success; financially, physically and emotionally.
If theres anything we can do to support you on your wealth or coaching journey, or if you have any questions about any of Scott's events or programs, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
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