If there’s two questions that you needed to know as a coach, speaker, mentor, expert, guru… and keep in mind I’ve been doing this for 25 years; there’s two questions where you’re going to make all your money – And I want to reveal to you the very first question, and that is:
1.You need to be able to ask the question that nobody else has been asking.
If you can get this question right, you are going to be seen as the Yoda of coaching, as the guru of mentoring of all things profound. If you’re coming in as an expert, guru, mentor, into a business, into a team, into maybe a relationship that’s off track, your expertise is going to be one of your resources. But more than that your ability to see things that no one else has seen, your ability to think about things from a paradigm or a perspective that nobody else has thought about, your ability to perhaps envision what this could be, what this might be, what it could prevent, what it could move towards. Your ability to ask the question that no one else is asking will set you apart from every other want-to-be coach, every want-to-be consultant out there. You don’t want to go in there with the stock standard same questions that everyone is asking.
How do you get to ask the question that nobody else is asking? If you do that right, trust me, you get to 10 X your fees as you’ll be separating yourself in the marketplace from everybody else that’s competing in your space.
The second question is a little bit a paradox and that is this:
2. How do you ask the question that every person is thinking about, but no one is asking?
How do you talk about the white elephant in the room? Sometimes as an outside voice, sometimes as a coach, a mentor, a guru, an expert you’ve got to be able to ask the tough questions, the questions that nobody else has been bold enough to suggest. The question that no one else has been honest enough, loving enough, kind enough, insightful enough to actually say. There is a question in every business, there is a question in every relationship, there is a question in every physical transformation, there is a question that everybody is thinking but that nobody is asking. And your job is to love your clients and the people you’re working with so much that you’re prepared to risk having them not like you because you’re there to serve them at the highest level.
Now, there’s a caveat to this… I’m not talking about using a sledgehammer, and bashing people on the head with your version of the truth by saying, “You should do this, and you should do that.” I say this because certainly in the past that’s been a strategy that I’ve used and it’s not very kind or endearing, or even effective. I’m talking about bringing a sense of truth, a sense of wisdom, a sense of perspective to your one-on-one coaching, to your online programs, to your stage work that allows you to have the grounded-ness and the sense of purpose, to the way you ask the truth of people. And my experience of truth is very simple, my friends, every time you visit with truth the journey is sometimes bumpy, it’s not always comfortable, but you always end up at a destination that’s worthwhile. And that’s going to require you to be able to ask that question that everybody else has been thinking but nobody else has been saying.
That’s my two questions. There, the secret’s out! They’re now yours, go use them in your work and if you’d like more tips, more coaching, more help from me on how to expand your business or how to get on stage, or get one-on-one clients, you know how to find us. Until then any questions, any comments, any feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Pop them in the chat box below and I’ll look forward to working with you or seeing you or meeting you one-to-one, face-to-face somewhere in the world.
Until then live very deliberately, and bye for now.

Read The Full Transcript
Now if we think about being a coach, mentor, expert, teacher, guru, you’re not always paid for what you know but you’re paid for what can discover. And certainly, Quality Questions is a tool that I teach in both of my programs, both Ultimate Expert and Ultimate Coach Professional. But I wanted to stop by today and share with the answer to, what are those two questions? If there’s two questions that you needed to know as a coach, speaker, mentor, expert, guru, what are they?
And so here they are. As we get ready to reveal them, a couple of quick things about the rules of the game. Number one, if you’re driving your car, stop, pull over and pay attention. If you’re working out, find a park bench right now and grab a seat. Number two, get a pen and paper ready. Get a napkin, get a beer coaster, get a makeup stick, get a pen, get something and take some notes because you just never know what profound wisdom is about to change your whole business, your whole career and perhaps your life.
If you don’t know me, I’ve been doing this for 25 years. I’ve been teaching, coaching, speaking, mentoring, one on one with some of the worlds biggest names on the biggest stages doing this all over the planet. And I want to reveal to you the very first question that I want you to know. That if you can get this question right, you are going to be seen as the Yoda of coaching, as the guru of mentoring of all things profound. That first question looks like this.
That first question you need to able to ask is, you need to be able to ask the question, my friends, that nobody else has been asking. If you’re coming in as an expert, guru, mentor, into a business, into a team, into maybe a relationship that’s off track, into any development your expertise is going to be one of your resources. But more than that your ability to see things that no one else has seen, your ability to think about things from a paradigm or a perspective that nobody else has thought about, your ability to perhaps envision what this could be, what this might be, what it could prevent, what it could move towards. Your ability to ask the question that no one else is asking will set you apart from every other want-to-be coach, every want-to-be consultant out there. So you don’t want to go in there with the stock standard same questions that everyone is asking.
That’s kind of my first question for you. How do you bring a new perspective? How do you bring a new sense of vision? How do you bring a new awareness? How do you bring a new sense of possibility to what this challenge, what this problem has been brought to you, can possibly be? Whether that’s one-on-one, whether that’s online, whether that’s on stage it’s all the same paradigm. How do you get to ask the question that nobody else is asking? If you do that, trust me, you get to 10 X your fees. How you get to separate yourself in the marketplace from everybody else that’s competing in your space is to ask the question that nobody else is asking.
Second question, so there was two, the second question is a little bit a paradox and that is this. The second question that you want to ask, that separates you from the marketplace is simply this. How do you ask the question that every person is thinking about, but no one is asking? How do you talk about the white elephant in the room? Or as my delightful wife says, the blue elephant or the pink elephant or the yellow elephant. Sometimes as an outside voice, sometimes as a coach, a mentor, a guru, an expert you’ve got to be able to ask the tough questions, the questions that nobody else has been bold enough to suggest. The question that no one else has been honest enough, loving enough, kind enough, insightful enough to actually say, “Hey, have you thought about this? Hey, what about that?” So there is a question, I promise you… in every business there is a question, in every relationship there is a question, in every physical transformation that everybody is thinking but that nobody is asking (there is a question). And your job is to love your clients. Your job is to love the people you’re working with so much that you risk having them not like you because you’re there to serve them.
Now, here’s my caveat to this. I’m not talking about using a sledgehammer, I’m not talking about bashing people on the head with your version of the truth and, “You should do this, and you should do that.” I say that because certainly in the past that’s a strategy that I’ve used and it’s not very kind or endearing, or even effective. I’m talking about bringing a sense of truth, a sense of wisdom, a sense of perspective to your one on one coaching, to your online programs, to your stage work that allows you to have the grounded-ness and the sense of purpose, the way you ask the truth people. And my experience of truth is very simple, my friends, every time you visit with truth the journey is sometimes bumpy, it’s not always comfortable, but you always end up at a destination that was worthwhile. And that’s going to require you to be able to ask that question that everybody else has been thinking but nobody else has been saying.
That’s my two questions. There, the secret’s out! They’re now yours, go use them in your work and if you’d like more tips, more coaching, more help from me on how to expand your business or how to get on stage, or get one-on-one clients, you know how to find us. Until then any questions, any comments, any feedback, we’d love to hear them. Pop them in the chat box below and I’ll look forward to working with you or seeing you or meeting you one-to-one, face-to-face somewhere in the world. Until then this is Scott Harris saying live, very deliberately, and bye for now.
Thanks so much for watching, guys. Love to have you subscribe to my YouTube channel and my blog page, and also follow me on social media so you can get absolutely first access to all our cutting edge brand new videos. And if you have any questions or content you want me to cover, that’s the place to do it.
Until then this is Scott saying live deliberately. Bye for now.
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Scott Harris is a leading Australian coach, mentor and speaker, with 20 years of experience working with individuals, businesses and audiences around the world and supporting them in creating phenomenal success; financially, physically and emotionally.
If theres anything we can do to support you on your wealth or coaching journey, or if you have any questions about any of Scott's events or programs, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
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