Myth ONE
Coaching or mentoring is for people who are broken…
It’s for people who have got big problems or it’s for people who need fixing… ANSWER IS = NO.
My belief is nobody needs fixing and nobody is broken, We all might have some challenges to work on but thats life!
So, to be clear, coaching is not about, I’ve got this big wound that needs healing. Coaching is not about, it’s only for those people who are somehow the downtrodden, and the somehow less-successful. That’s a complete and total myth.
Coaching is simply for EVERYONE!
Myth TWO
On the flip side there is a common misconception that elite performers or high-achieving people, high executives, owners, CEOs, and Olympic athletes, they’re the ones that need coaching….
“They need coaching, not me. I’m just a regular person.”
Wrong again my friends, Coaching is simply for EVERYONE!
Here’s the TRUTH
The reality is, my friends, here’s who coaching is for; coaching is for every single person who is just like you and I.
Coaching is for anybody who wants to make any movement forward in their life.
If you’re looking to change your health, if you’re looking to change your personal relationships with your spouse, your children, your siblings, your best friends, if you’re looking to move forward financially in your business, in your income, and your savings, and your wealth, and your growth, if you’re looking to develop any new skills and tools, get yourself a coach, get an expert, get a mentor, get a guru, get a support person.
My wisdom over the last 20 years in the coaching industry is, that is not going to come from a book, or a podcast, or sitting in a seminar listening to somebody. I think all three of those things are awesome things to do – I do all three of those things myself BUT I’d suggest to you that the hand-to-hand, belly-to-belly combat, the challenge of voice-to-voice, person-to-person, spirit-to-spirit, soul-to-soul, of actually working with somebody deeply and intimately, one-on-one, is the absolute single best way to move you forward.
Now, what does that mean? Who is coaching for? How do I know if I’m qualified? Very simply this; my belief is, coaching is for EVERYONE!

Read The Full Transcript
Hello, my friends, and welcome. Scott Harris, your Ultimate Coach, answering a very important question today, and that is, “How do I know if I need coaching? Who is coaching for? I get you, Scott Harris, you’re talking all the time about coaching this, and coaching that, and mentoring this, and mentoring that, and expert this. How do I know if I need coaching?” So I want to clear up a couple of myths for you first and then give you some clarity. The first myth that I sometimes get when I work with people all around the world is that they kind of think coaching, and mentoring, and support, they kind of think it’s for people who are broken. They kind of think it’s for people who have got big problems, and they kind of think it’s for people who need fixing.
Well, firstly, my belief is nobody needs fixing and nobody is broken. We all might have some challenges to work on, but ain’t nobody broken, ain’t nobody needs fixing. So, to be clear, coaching is not about, I’ve got this big wound that needs healing. Coaching is not about, it’s only for those people who are somehow the downtrodden, and the somehow less-successful. That’s a complete and total myth. The converse is almost true. The converse is true is that elite performers and high-achieving people, and high executives, and owners, and CEOs, and Olympic athletes, they’re the ones that need coaching.
So the second myth to get rid of is this story that says, “No, it’s high achievers that want coaching. It’s people who are CEOs, and owners, and directors, and Olympic athletes, and people how are making hundred of thousands or millions and millions of dollars. They need coaching, not me. I’m just a regular person.” The reality is, my friends, I’m telling you right now, here’s who coaching is for; coaching is for every single person who is just like you and I. Coaching is for anybody who wants to make any movement forward in their life.
If you’re looking to change your health, if you’re looking to change your personal relationships with your spouse, your children, your siblings, your best friends, if you’re looking to move forward financially in your business, in your income, and your savings, and your wealth, and your growth, if you’re looking to develop any new skills and tools, I’m telling you, my friends, get yourself a coach, get an expert, get a mentor, get a guru, get a support person.
My wisdom is, that is not necessarily going to come from a book, or a podcast, or sitting in a seminar listening to somebody. I think all three of those things are awesome things to do. I do all three of those things. I read books, and I listen to podcasts, and I participate in seminars, but I’d suggest to you that the hand-to-hand, belly-to-belly combat, the challenge of voice-to-voice, person-to-person, spirit-to-spirit, soul-to-soul, gut-to-gut of actually working with somebody deeply and intimately, one-on-one, is the absolute single best way to move you forward.
Now, what does that mean? Who is coaching for? How do I know if I’m qualified? Very simply this; my belief is, coaching is for everyone. Now, that means if you’ve got some challenges going on, I certainly, in my past, have had challenges going on, I still have challenges going on that I need support with, and feedback on, and insights on. If you’ve got some, maybe some past stuff that needs cleaning up, if you’re a high achiever and you’re working on some big, huge, enormous goal, maybe you’re both of those at once, as I have been and some of you probably are as well, and if you’re somewhere in between, trust me, the single defining element of whether you qualify to be ready for coaching right now and need coaching is one simple question; are you looking to get better in your life? Are you looking to move forward in any area or multiple areas of your life? If you are, my coaching for you is, go get yourself a great coach.
So, this has been Scott Harris, getting rid of and busting a couple of myths, and maybe sharing with you some simple clarity about how it is you know if you’re ready for coaching. Till you and I get to meet, face-to-face, I hope you live very deliberately. Until then, bye for now.
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Scott Harris is a leading Australian coach, mentor and speaker, with 20 years of experience working with individuals, businesses and audiences around the world and supporting them in creating phenomenal success; financially, physically and emotionally.
If theres anything we can do to support you on your wealth or coaching journey, or if you have any questions about any of Scott's events or programs, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
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