That might just be 30 or 40 minutes or an hour, where you sit and reflect, maybe pen some thoughts in a journal and have quiet time. Maybe use the time to reflect on past successes, past learning opportunities, or even thinking about the next chapter, phase or step that you need to take in your life.
This time isn’t about massaging or cleansing or taking care of your body – that’s a different conversation. This is not a scheduling or goal-setting time – it’s a period of quality reflection on the things that have been working for you, and the things that haven’t, and on what you need to do next.
Don’t let the next five years slip by. Don’t even let the next week slip by, without actually stopping; drawing breath and reflecting with some sacred quiet time.
That’s my gift for you today. Please do me a favour and don’t only click the ‘like’ button, but click the ‘share’ button as well, to remind the people in your life to live deliberately and consciously with some sacred time.
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Hey guys! It’s Scott Harris – the founder of Ultimate Coach, where we train the world’s best coaches. Stopping by to share with you a really important resource that you should be tapping into on a consistent basis. If your life’s like mine, if you’re busy all day every day, if you go to bed still thinking about what needs doing tomorrow or you wake up and you’re already late, if you have a business, if you have staff, if you have a job, you’re trying to take care of your body, looking after your kids, your dog, your cat, if you’ve got properties, you travel, I mean if you’ve got any of those things going on, my guess is you’re missing out on something that your spirit, your brain and your heart need on a consistent basis – and that is just some quiet time! The ability, once a week, to sit somewhere with a cup of green tea or a glass of water, maybe a pen in hand and for me a good old fashioned journal – I like to journal. This one has Peppa Pig on it, obviously, from one of my daughters.
The ability just to sit and just have some sacred time. Of that 168 hours each week that we have, goes so quickly and very often, we don’t even know where it goes! Very often we can feel like we’re not even in control of those 168 hours or sometimes we feel that we didn’t even get everything done that we needed to get done in that time frame.
If I were to coach you on anything right now, I’d say you want to make sure that every week you’re taking some sacred time. That might just be 30 or 40 minutes or an hour, where you sit and reflect, maybe pen some thoughts in a journal and just have quiet time. Maybe use the time to reflect on past successes, past learning opportunities, or even thinking about your next chapter, your next phase or step that you need to take in your life.
So right now for me, this is my quiet space. I like to come and sit here. This is not a space where other people come and connect with me normally. I would encourage you to carve out that special space for you – it might be a little corner of your office, a little bedside table by your bed, maybe a part of the kitchen bench that you use at 10:30pm at night when the house is quiet and nobody is stirring; it might be somewhere a 6 o’clock in the morning, a little corner table on the back porch where you’re overlooking the water or doing something else. It can be anywhere, but just find yourself a space, physically and emotionally, where you can have some sacred time. The sacred time that you deserve, that isn’t about massaging or cleansing or taking care of your body – that’s a different conversation. Take this sacred time for your brain and your heart to slow down and really reflect on the busyness that is in most of our lives, to make sure that we’re on track and the bus is heading in the right direction.
This is not a scheduling, goal-setting, it’s not a busyness time – it’s a period of just quality reflection both on the things that have been working for you, and the things that haven’t, and also on what do you need to do next.
That’s my coaching for you today. It’s a very simple and short little small tip. As I said, I am an old fashioned guy – I still use a fountain pen, for goodness sake. I know that makes me dorky and some of you are going to think – what is a fountain pen? I’m an old fashioned guy so I like to use pen and paper to sit and reflect. Some of you might use some cool app that you can do your vision boarding and your dreaming on, but I do know this: your life only gets busier. You have more children, more businesses, more properties, more clients, more trips and more travel. Poor people often think, that when they make more money, they’ll have more time. Poor people often think, “When I make a hundred thousand, half a million or five million, I’ll have all this spare time.” Trust me, there is no spare time, there really isn’t. There is no more time, than the time you have right now and it goes so quickly – so quickly!
I want to urge you to take on board this concept of sacred time. 30 or 40 minutes of quiet reflection time where you can just draw breath, know that you’re on track and as I always say, to make sure that you are living very, very deliberately. Otherwise, the alternative is that you’re just busy all the time. I know people that are busy so often, so dramatically, so crazily that they just don’t know where the week, the month or the year has gone. Some people say to me, “Where did the last five years go?!”
Don’t let the next five years slip by. Don’t even let the next week slip by, without actually stopping; draw breath and reflecting with some sacred quality time.
That’s my gift for you today. If you liked that experience, please do me a favour, don’t only click the ‘like’ button, but click the ‘share’ button as well. Go share this with your family and friends. If you know anybody that is busy, stressed out or trying to get too much done in too short a period of time, share this quick video with them to see what might come into their life with the opportunity to stop, draw breath, reflect and make sure they’re living very deliberately and consciously everyday. If you would do that for me, I’d really appreciate it.
Until we get to speak one-on-one at a seminar or coaching experience somewhere, please feel free to chat in the dialogue box below. I love to chat and communicate with you each week in there.
So, till then, live very deliberately. Thanks for watching and bye for now!
Scott Harris
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Scott Harris is a leading Australian coach, mentor and speaker, with 20 years of experience working with individuals, businesses and audiences around the world and supporting them in creating phenomenal success; financially, physically and emotionally.
If theres anything we can do to support you on your wealth or coaching journey, or if you have any questions about any of Scott's events or programs, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
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